Hey Quilters! I hope you have been enjoying this departure from the norm?
I try to answer some of the questions that have come in
about eggs.
If you have a question, don't hesitate to ask it! Less than a week for Mother Mabelle's clutch to hatch! Thanks for all of your encouragement and support! Keep on Quilting! Kevin the Quilter
Thanks again for all of your concern and support over yesterday's blog post.
Here is the second installment of check-ins with Mother Mabelle.
If you have any questions, I will try my best to answer them in the video check ins.
Just to give you all a little background.....
I wanted to do something for my quilting friends that would bring joy and something positive during this awkward time in history. And who doesn't think baby chicks are one of the cutest things ever???? Mother Mabelle is a Black Austrolorp, broody hen that has sat on eggs before and has proven to be a very good sitter when it comes to hatching eggs. She has even sat the required 28 days and hatched a duck for me......it only takes a chicken 21 days to hatch. Hopefully you will enjoy these little Check Ins with Mother Mabelle, and it will give you something to smile about?
Mother Mabelle Check In #2
Thanks for all of your encouragement and support!
Stay well and stay safe!
Keep on Quilting!
Kevin the Quilter
I want to thank those of you who have been checking in on me, and being genuinely concerned about my well being. I love ya'll!
In brief, I have been working. The flights are empty, usually 20 passengers or less.
I wear a mask, and try to disinfect everything I will come into contact with on the plane, and
in my hotel room. I have cut my flying back due to vacation I originally had planned at this time.
As many of you may know, I had trunk shows, lectures, and workshops scheduled throughout Tennessee and North Carolina that were forced to be cancelled. We will look at rescheduling those if and when we return to a new normal?
I wanted to catch you all up very briefly......
I am sure we are all sewing more than usual during this quarantine?