April is almost here, and I have been doing a lot of work in my Daylily garden as well as my vegetable and herb gardens. Spring is definitely on it's way.....when you live in Missouri, you just have to take the weather one day at a time.......and NOT complain! (It doesn't do any good anyway!)
Please understand my intentions of this blog is not to stay on one note and blare it until no one can stand it anymore.......but.........I am very proud of the accomplishments "Radar" has made thus far. In the press.....he made a 4 page spread into an international quilting magazine! WAHOOOOO!
On Track! magazine is published by the
International Machine Quilters Association.
The article is very nice, and focuses on "Radar's" conception and creation by me and my friend Ann. It goes into nice detail about Ann's quilting and has some really great photos. I am completely honored and beyond blessed to have been able to be a part of this creative work. Thanks Ann!
Something new has been added to my quilting resume'.........
The selling of my RSC14 quilt happened very much by accident. I was flying with a long time flight attendant friend and while chatting in the galley he asked me about my quilting. I shared with him several photos of various works, and when he saw this photo he immediately asked "HOW MUCH???" I was like......"huh?????" He was extremely persistent and wanted to buy this quilt top and have it quilted. After much deliberation on my part, I decided that I would sell it to him, quoted him a price, and he said, "SOLD!" Sooooo.........this one will be going to my friend. I never EVER thought I would sell a quilt!
And lastly in this post,.......free tickets led me and my friend Ann to the International Quilt Festival Chicago 2015. We had a great time making the one day road trip there and back. Enjoy photos of some of my personal favorites from the show........
I hope you enjoyed the photos!
Meet me in Paducah!!!!! (Sang to the tune of "Meet Me In St. Louis.")
Thanks for all of the encouragement!
Kevin the Quilter