So sorry it's been a little more than a week since last I blogged!
Your stories have been so inspiring to read! I hope you all have had a chance to read each other's replies as to who was the person most responsible for your involvement in quilting? I think from your responses, mother's definitely win, with grandmother's coming in a close second! This feedback is invaluable to me, and please encourage your friends, family, and neighbors to still reply!
My apologies for being unable to reply to your responses for a while!
I PROMISE I have a REALLY good reason!
You see........well, I ummm...........
OHHHHHHHHHH I will just show you in photos!
I was visiting my blogging friend Alycia of Alycia Quilts!
For those of you who haven't visited her blog, please check it out!
I have said it before, and I will say it again, this gal is an angel on earth for all of the hard work she does for
She and her family (including her 4 legged family) made me feel right at home!
This is Dixie!
Dixie had a grooming appointment with me! Who knew I could do hair?!?!?!
And a riding lesson with Wrangler Man! I am not sure who looks more concerned here?
Me or Dixie???????? LOL
Awwww......I'm just kidding! We both had a great ride, and I had a great time!
Before I give you the impression that all I did was ride horses while visiting Alycia and her family, let me inform you on the purpose of my visit, (besides visiting) was to hand deliver Celtic Solstice to her, and work on some Quilt of Valor related items.
We were really busy cutting photo......too busy.......
Trimming quilted quilts........well, Alycia trimmed more than photo........too busy.........
Making photo.........too busy.........
I was able to take a photo of the pile of quilts I added labels to though!
WOWZERS! That's a LOT of beautiful quilts!
I was also able to work with Alycia's Quilts of Valor group at their work day!

What a wonderful group of ladies and gentleman I was able to meet and work with!
I loved being able to see how this group worked and was able to discuss with several of them the way Quilts of Valor Eastern Missouri works. Several tips and ideas were shared back and forth. It was a very productive meeting! And as you can see, those blocks from Alycia's block drive are DEFINITELY being put to use! I thoroughly enjoyed working with this group!
I met my first follower outside of immediate friends and family!
From the minute she met me she said, "You look familiar, I know you!" After she kept asking questions, she realized I am "Kevin the Quilter!" Sorry for the blurry photo! Everyone was giggling too much over what just happened! LOL
Thank you so much Alycia for yet another wonderful visit to your beautiful state of Colorado! I was so honored to spend time with you, your family, and friends. I had an absolutely wonderful time! Please tell my girl Dixie I will be back!
Here is my question for you this week...........
Are you a charity quilter? If so, which charities do you quilt for?
Your replies will again be used in my upcoming presentation! Thank you in advance for helping me out!
"Happy Trails"
I'm back in the saddle again!
Until next time,
Thanks for all of the encouragement!
Kevin the Quilter