Friday, March 20, 2020

Trying Times.........

Hey Quilting Friends!

2020 has been a monster of a year thus far for me....and we are only 3 months in!
We have recently entered some very trying times.
I want to thank those of you who have personally reached out to me,
checking on my well being.  I am so thankful for you all!
I don't know what I would do without friends like you!
I am safe from the corona virus as of this post.  Air travel is
such a mess right now.  I truly feel it would be in the best interest
of everyone, to discontinue domestic air travel for a short period of time.  Please understand,
that's my opinion.  I promise you all a "ketchup" post as soon as I am able.
Most of my speaking and teaching engagements over the next few months will be cancelled due to the CDC guidelines for social gatherings at this time.  Anything we can
do to curb this virus is a good thing.  I promise we will make up dates as soon as can be determined.
Thanks for your continued patience.  I truly haven't meant to go so long between
posts.  Life happens.  You ALL are so important to me.  I want you all to remain safe and prudent
during these unprecedented times.  And, most of all......
Keep on Quilting!

Love to you all!
Thanks for all of the encouragement!
Kevin the Quilter